SQA Post Results Service

If you need to contact the school about your exam results please e-mail us at harlawacademy@aberdeencity.gov.uk – the e-mail will be checked regularly on the 7th and 8th August for any queries regarding exam results.  Alternatively the school office will be staffed from Monday 12th August and you can call on the main phone line 01224 589251.

Post-results Services Information for Pupils and Parents 2018

This service is available to centres after results day on 7 August 2018.

If a centre is concerned by a candidate’s result in a subject, it can request a clerical check and/or a marking review of the candidate’s submissions for that subject.


What is a Clerical Check?

A clerical check is an administrative check that is designed to ensure that:

  • all parts of the candidate’s submission have been marked and
  • the marks given for each answer have been totalled correctly
  • the correct result has been entered on SQA’s software


What is a Marking Review?

A marking review is undertaken by examiners and involves the consideration of a

candidate’s materials submitted to SQA for marking to ensure that:

  • all parts of the submission have been marked
  • the marking is in line with the national standard
  • the marks given for each answer have been totalled correctly, and
  • the correct result has been entered on SQA’s software


Criteria for Post-results service

In line with SQA guidance Harlaw Academy must ensure that access to the Post-results Service is done in a fair, equitable and consistent manner.

  • Harlaw Academy will only submit a Post-results Service requests where we are of the view that the candidate’s certificated grade is at odds with the assessment evidence gathered during the course, and that it is out of line with the performance of other candidates with similar profiles.
  • The decision on whether to submit a request will take into account all of the candidate’s work during the year and is not based solely on the estimate grade.
  • Post-results service requests will be considered where the candidate’s certificated grade is at least 2 bands lower than predicted based on the totality of assessment evidence for the course.
  • The final decision on whether to submit Post-results service requests will be taken by the Head Teacher in liaison with the SQA Co-ordinator and the relevant Faculty Head.


Parents and pupils are advised that Post Results-service requests will not be made for any of the following reasons:-

  • a candidate’s entry to college or university is dependent on a re-grade
  • a candidate’s component marks place their result close to a grade boundary
  • the candidate or their parents offer to pay any costs arising from the request


Parents and pupils are also advised that a Clerical Check or Marking Review can lead to a change of grade either up or down.


Key Dates


Post-results Services open 7 August 2018
Priority marking review request deadline (for candidates with a current conditional university/college offer) 17 August 2018
Results of priority marking reviews 27 August 2018
Marking review and clerical check deadline 28 August 2018
Results of clerical checks and marking reviews 28 September 2018


SQA will charge Harlaw Academy for all Post-results Service requests where the candidate’s grade remains unchanged following the clerical check and/or marking review. These costs are met by the school.

If would like further information on the SQA Post-results service please see the SQA website



A pdf version of this guidance is available by clicking the link below:-

Harlaw Academy Post-Results Service 2018

TextHelp in Aberdeen City Parents & Carers Information Evening

TextHelp in Aberdeen City

Parents & Carers Information Evening


Date: Monday 11th June 2018

Time: 7:15pm – 8:30pm

Venue: Aberdeen Grammar School, Lecture Theatre



Why should I attend?

Every Aberdeen City School now has access to TextHelp’s Read&Write software, available on every device – Windows PCs, Macs, Google, iPad and Android tablets, and what’s more – Everyone can access it at home too! Come along to hear more about the software and how it can be used to support all learners.


What is Read&Write software?

Used daily by millions of students worldwide, Read&Write is an award-winning literacy toolbar that helps each member of the class realise their full potential. Supporting all stages from Primary 1 to S6, there are features to benefit everyone!



  • Word prediction and dictionary tools to support every stage of learning
  • Text-to-speech and voice recognition – Why type when you can use your voice?!
  • Fact finding and research tools to support emerging story writers as well as senior students completing assignments
  • Mp3 audio maker – Download your notes and listen on-the-go
  • And lots more! Find out more information at texthelp.com


“Helping every student understand, learn and express themselves with confidence.”


Want to find out more? Everyone welcome!

Email tasscc@aberdeencity.gov.uk to let us know if you are coming along on June 11th

Look forward to seeing you there!

S4-6 Study Leave Update 27th April

Senior school arrangements for next week


I am sorry to have to let you know that there has been significant disruption at Harlaw Academy today caused by the behaviour of some of the senior pupils.  As a result of this disruption, we have reluctantly taken the decision to start study leave for S4-S6 from Monday 30th April.  S4-6 pupils should not be in the building on Monday and Tuesday next week without prior agreement.

In order to ensure we do not disadvantage pupils who were due to complete assessments on Monday or Tuesday I can confirm the following arrangements are in place:-

  1. Normal classes for seniors are suspended on Monday and Tuesday
  2. The school office will contact parents via our Groupcall messaging system to invite pupils to attend classes on Monday or Tuesday if this is required to complete assessments
  3. Pupils can access material at home through Google classroom
  4. Pupils should not arrive at school without having been invited.
  5. Any pupil visiting school including for exams should be in school uniform.S6 hoodies are not permitted after the events of today.
  6. Exam arrangements will apply for pupils sitting exams from Tuesday onwards


I hope this information is clear and I ask that you discuss the content with your child(ren) over the weekend.


David Innes


5th March – 18th March: Gaining our Gold Award

Apologies for combining two weekly blogs into one.  Apologies too for this being a relatively short blog but one with a fairly significant attachment which I hope you will take time to read through.

We have had confirmation from UNICEF UK that we have gained the Gold Rights Respecting Schools Award.  Indeed we are only the second school in the UK to be assessed against the new Gold criteria – the first being Ferryhill Primary around a month ago.  We are therefore the first, and at present the only, secondary school in the UK to have been successfully assessed against the new criteria for the Gold Award.

I have attached a copy of the report and I do hope you will take time to read through it.  Over the next year we will continue to take this work forward.  It is vitally important as we all need to work hard to ensure children can benefit from their rights to; survival, protection, development and participation.

We want our children to feel safe in school, safe at home and safe in their community.   We want them to be the best they can be and to play a full and active part in their community.

Gaining the award will not make this happen.  But the framework for the award helps us to focus on how children (rights holders) behave towards each other and how they are supported by adults (duty bearers).  As a school community we need to use the award to do even more to help children to recognise where they are being denied their rights – often by other children.  We need to use the award to further empower children to act in ways which will improve their environment, their health, their learning and their safety.

We want to continue to lead in this work as it is fundamental to improving our school and improving the life chances of the young people who attend Harlaw Academy.

I want to thank everyone who worked on helping us gain the award and I look forward to working with everyone as we take this work forward.  Our new logo and our report are attached below:

Harlaw Ac Aberdeen Cty Gold MJMRe Feb 18 MR


26th February -3rd March 2018: Pride and shame

Pride:  On Monday night I attended an Aberdeen City Council event to recognise the achievements of pupils from the City who take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme.  If Harlaw Academy had only one one pupil taking part I would have been proud of their achievement.  But the fact is that Harlaw Academy had more pupils taking part than any other school in the City.  Almost 100 pupils from Harlaw Academy received Bronze, Silver or Gold Awards.  This is a fantastic achievement and something which the entire school community should be proud of.  Behind each of these awards are of stories of commitment, adventure and friendship.  Many of those gaining awards from Harlaw have also made a significant contribution to groups with the community through volunteering.  The evening was a celebration of everything that is good about young people and I was immensely proud of all our pupils had achieved.

Shame:   Wednesday saw the arrival of snow and in the main our staff and pupils coped really well.  The school largely ran as normal (apart from courses at NESCoL which were cancelled as the college chose to close for 3 days).  Some pupils enjoyed the opportunity to have fun in the snow and that is something we are keen to encourage.  But some see it as a chance to pick on the vulnerable and when it gets over the top or targets people who are not wanting to be involved we would intervene.  We would also intervene if we felt there was a danger eg throwing snowballs at vehicles or running around on icy pavements beside busy roads.  But just as my week started with immense pride it ended with a incredible sense of shame.  The shame came about when I learned a group of pupils had opened the door of a shop in Holburn Street and thrown snowballs at customers.  It is nothing short of shameful that young people from the Harlaw area would treat our local businesses and their community in such a way.  This is a small business trying to make something of our area in very difficult times.  We have been round to the business to offer our support and to express our shame for what happened.  We will work with them and with the police to identify the people responsible.  The school has 3 simple behaviour statements; Respect People, Respect Learning and Respect Community.  Those responsible for the incident on Holburn Street have shown no respect for people and no respect for their community.  As a school we will work with the community to identify who they are and hold them accountable for their actions.