Celebration Of Achievement 2016

Question: How does this event relate to Child rights? Answer: article 29 (goals of education) states that Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.


12th-16th September – #secureyourfuture

The National Improvement Framework identifies the following priorities:

• Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;

• Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;

• Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing; and

• Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people;

Over the session I will come back to each of these priorities but in this blog I want to focus on one piece of work we are doing in respect of the final one.

On the evening of 28th September we will have over 40 City Centre employers in the hall to discuss employment opportunities.  It is intended to be much more than a normal careers fair.  It is very much focussed on our local employment opportunities – in short it is an event aimed at linking local employers with their local school.  One session starts at 6.00pm and a second session will run at 7.00pm.  Each session will start with a very brief presentation in the main hall.

In the lead up to the evening we will be working with pupils to help them identify their employability skills.  Families can help us with this by speaking to youngsters about examples of the skills people need in the workplace.  The ‘I can’ statements on pages 16 and 17 of the Career Education standard offer a summary of some of these skills https://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/Images/CareerEducationStandard0915_tcm4-869208.pdf

The event will formally launch a partnership between Harlaw Academy and Aberdeen City Council – one of the largest, most diverse and most stable employers in the City at present – http://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/JobsOnline/Default.aspx

It will also formally promote the City Centre master plan – a set of major developments (and job opportunities) planned for the City Centre over the next 30 years – further information at http://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/council_government/shaping_aberdeen/City_Centre_Masterplan_Consultation_Material.asp

Many of the companies involved in the developments or likely to benefit from the transformation of the City centre will be at Harlaw to speak with our pupils.  These will be our local employers and they want to speak with Harlaw pupils and families before speaking to any others.  Indeed, if they see how great our pupils are they may not need to speak with others as they will come to Harlaw for their future workforce.  I hope pupils and families will come out in force, and well prepared, for #secureyourfuture on 28th September.

5th – 9th September: Keeping in touch

I have used the phrase ‘keeping in touch’ this week for a number of reasons.

  1. it is the phrase used to describe an annual meeting which takes place between council officers and school leadership to review progress from last session and agree priorities for this session.
  2. we held an S1 curriculum evening and our Parent Council AGM – two great opportunities to keep in touch with parents.
  3. our senior prefects took a range of issues from the pupil senate to the school senior leadership team for consideration.
  4. I put out a newsletter with information about my initial assemblies and highlighted a development to groupcall that would allow us to keep in touch with parents.

I will not give a detailed account on how each of these items went.  I will say that each threw up issues which are going very well and areas where we can make further improvements.  I will also say that we will not only will we make the necessary improvements but we will also keep ‘keeping in touch’ so you can learn more about the areas where progress is being made and can make further suggestions for areas of improvement.

I am a fan of the idea of ‘growth mindset’ as it encourages us all to see failure as a positive thing which we can learn from.  Young people and big organisations often fear failure or do not admit to their mistakes.  If we adopt a growth mindset we see failure as an opportunity to improve.  At the S1 curriculum evening our Head of Maths, Mr Duncan, made reference to a famous quote by Michael Jordan (below).  We will try to keep in touch with you about pupil progress and we will point out areas where improvements need to be made.  We also encourage you to keep in touch with us and help us to make improvements to the service we provide.



Paul Hay – Internet Safety

RRSA-ROC-logo[1]  Question: How does internet use and internet safety relate to Child Rights?

Answer:  article 17 (access to information from mass media) states that every child has the right to reliable information from the media. This should be information that children can understand. Governments must help protect children from materials that could harm them.


For further information:  http://www.cypcs.org.uk/rights/uncrcarticles/article-17


S1 Clothes Appeal

RRSA-ROC-logo[1] Question: How does a clothes appeal relate to Child Rights?

Answer:  article 22 (refugee children) states that if a child is a refugee or seeking refuge, governments must ensure that they have the same rights as any other child. Governments must help in trying to reunite child refugees with their parents. Where this is not possible, the child should be given protection.

For more information see:  http://www.cypcs.org.uk/rights/uncrcarticles/article-22


Spring Concert

RRSA-ROC-logo[1] Question:  How does a concert relate to Child rights?

Answer:  article 15 (freedom of association) states that every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.

Answer: article 31 (leisure, play and culture) states that every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.