Parent Council Survey

The Harlaw Academy Parent Council want to know what parents think about the current Parent Council meeting arrangements.  We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the survey at the link below to let the Council know what you think:- This will help inform the arrangements the Parent Council […]

Keeping Our Children Safe

Police Scotland and other local professionals will be hosting a further live Facebook event on the North East Police Division page on Wednesday 21 March 2018 between 7 and 9 pm. The topic on this occasion will be Social Media:   Thinking about buying a young person a mobile phone or computer but concerned how […]

Prelim Timetable 2018

The prelim exams in Harlaw run from Monday 15th January until Friday 26th January.  S4, S5 and S6 pupils will be on study leave for the duration of the exams and should only be in school to sit exams or to study/work on their courses.  Designated study rooms for this purpose continue to be available and […]

Parent Council Meeting 9th November

The next meeting of the Parent Council will be Thursday 9th November at 7.00pm at Harlaw Academy.  This month’s meeting will include 3 sessions from the Maths department; General curriculum information and how parents can support their child, Assessments & National Qualifications and Google classroom and homework.  Each session will take approximately 10 minutes – […]

S3 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 8th February 2018 from 4.15pm – 6.45pm Parents of S3 pupils are invited to attend a consultation evening in the Academy on Thursday 8th February 2018  to meet their child’s teachers and discuss their progress. Our Guidance Teachers will be available to discuss the overall picture of  each child’s progress and Mrs Lawrence the Year […]

Groupcall Attendance

Groupcall Information for Parents Due to an updated version of our Groupcall messaging system, the information that we provide to parents on pupil absence from school is changing.  From Wednesday 6th September we will send Absence messages to parents twice a day – once in the morning and once in the afternoon. The message will […]