On Thursday of this week we had a meeting of the Parent Council.  At these meetings I normally provide a Head Teacher update and the one I gave this week is attached here:  PC Jan 19

The notes cover a range areas including; building/property, staffing, budgets and pupil experiences.  At the meeting which was attended by around 12 parents, 2 local Councillors, a former pupils rep and 2 members of senior staff we discussed each of these items and looked at how the parent council could support the work of the school.

The meeting also raised a few questions through the Parent Council from Parents.  One of these related to how the school supports the issue of mental health.  As we had advance notice of this question we were able to give Parents a fairly full response to the question and this will be posted along with the minutes of the meeting:

We really value the opportunity to meet with the parent council and to respond to the questions parents have.

Next week, on Wednesday, we have our senior school information evening which is always a good opportunity to explain the senior school options and listen to the issues which are important to parents.