Sorry for missing a few weeks. It is a busy time and the blog slipped to the side of the desk. So here is a brief snapshot of the last few weeks.
22-26 May: Our promoted staff all had briefings on school performance data. It made us think fairly deeply about how we continue to help pupils do even better in terms of qualifications and wider achievement. On Wednesday we under a sunny sky we held our forest walk at durris. It was well attended and a really positive day. This was also the week when we have S3 on work experience. 180 pupils were placed with local companies (thanks to all who helped) for the week. We have had fantastic feedback from employers.
29 May-2 June: The start of a new timetable and the end of the exams. Pupils all have stepped up a year and started their new classes. This is a major piece of work and a significant part of any year. I held assemblies for all pupils and highlighted key messages which went into a letter home (copied here):
5th-9th June: We hsd our final meeting with our ASG (primary and secondary head teachers) this week. It was a chance to reflect on the work we have done this session and begin to make plans for the future. I also met with our newly elected class reps and they have been set an ambitious goal to get views from all pupils on how to improve their school. We held our prize giving and i have to thank Skye for planning and hosting the event and Peter Johnston for his keynote address. What he said about ‘thesis, antithesis and synthesis’ was particularly apt in the present time. I closed the week reading around 90 prefect applications. These showed the vast depth of quality youngsters in the school. 25 of those forms expressed an interest in the Head Prefect roles and a panel have identified 15 we will interview next week.
As we head towards summer I am happy to report there is a great deal going on and the school is in good shape.