New S1:  On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we welcomed our new S1 pupils to their school.  We were delighted with the very settled way they went about things and look forward to welcoming them back in August.  Part of the reason for the visits going so well was the support our visitors received from their senior “buddies”.  We have a very good group of seniors and they were brilliant role models for our new pupils.

Pupil leadership:  Being a “buddy” is one of many leadership roles pupils can have in the school.  Every form class has 4 class representatives to take forward a particular aspect of school improvement.  Each house has a House captain who is appointed by application form and interview.  Seniors can also apply to be prefects and this year we will have around 40 of these this year.  There is also a Head and Depute Head Prefects who this year were appointed through a group task and interview overseen by myself, the year head for S6 and the Head and Depute Head Prefects from last year.  I am delighted to confirm that Kate Farquharson was appointed Head Prefect and that Finn Allan and Chris Akamhenze will be the Depute Head Prefects.  These roles mean that almost 25% of our pupils have a formal role in leadership and school improvement and this year I am keen to see how they can work with their peers to make things even better at the school.

Important week:  NE schools seem to be a bit later than the rest of the country going on holiday and a bit later returning in August.  This means that we will no sooner back than we will be into September.  That means this is an important work week for staff and pupils.  It is not a time to slacken off before summer because if we do we will start the new session playing catch up.  I know teachers plan to use this week to do some important work and we need pupils to be in class and switched on to work hard this week before having a bit of time off.  Staff return on Monday 19th August and this and Tuesday 20th August are in-service days.  Pupils return for 8.30 start on Wednesday 21st August.

Thank you:  There has been a lot of very good work done by staff and pupils over this session and both groups will be ready for a summer break. I want to thank parents for your support over the session.  For families of youngsters moving on from school can I wish you every success in the future and if ever you need our help please keep in contact.  I look forward to seeing everyone else in August.