We look forward to welcoming pupils back on Tuesday 21st August. Pupils should be at school by 8.25 for the start of form time at 8.30. Pupils should be in school uniform and are reminded that as part of our security arrangements outdoor jackets are not to be worn within the building. We have worked over summer to improve the school and get it ready for your arrival. We hope you will help us keep it clean and in particular look after the 4 new water dispensers which pupils had said was their top priority – you will need a container eg a drinking bottle to fill from the new machines. We continue to work with pupils and families to set high expectations and attach a summary of these for your information. It would be really helpful if families could take time to go over these before Tuesday morning as this will allow us all to get off to a positive start to the new school session.
David Innes
Head Teacher
Expectations flier August 2018