Last week I wrote a blog about ’empowering pupils and parents’.  It was a very well timed article because this week we have been asked for our views on two very significant sets of proposals which have possible implications for our work and our plans.  They are:

  • TOM – which relates to the way Aberdeen City Council will work.  It proposes a restructuring of the Directorate/Committee structures, transformational change in the way people access services and an overall saving of £125m over the next 5 years.  It is referred to as the Target Operating Model (TOM) and is out for a 3 week consultation with staff prior to going to full council in December.
  • Education Act – this is a statutory consultation on a new education bill.  It suggests a range of changes to the system including; a head teacher charter, regional collaboratives and the creation of an Education Workforce Council, changes to how we work with parents and pupils.  These proposals have a 12 week consultation period as this is required before the Government can produce an education bill and seek Royal approval in the spring of 2018.  Further details are attached and can be viewed at:

It is very important that pupils, parents and staff are made aware of the consultations and their views are taken into account in my responses.  I am particularly keen to ensure is that any proposals complement our agreed plans and can be managed in a transformational way ie in a manner and at a pace which the system can absorb and adapt to.

I plan to offer ‘drop in’ sessions at which pupils, parents can get a brief presentation on the two proposals and discuss our possible response.  Details of when these sessions will take place will be issued separately.  I am also happy to receive any comments you might have either verbally, by e-mail or in writing with a view to incorporating these into a school response to each consultation.

I would particularly urge parents and youngsters to look at the government consultation which has three specific sections you may be interested in commenting on; pupil participation (section 3), parental and community engagement (section 2) and new responsibilities for Head Teachers/Head Teacher charter (section 1).  I have listed them in this order as the first two are relatively brief and clear.  The third is a bit longer and more detailed but it is really important to pupils and parents as it relates to the powers I have and the way in which I use these powers.

I really do want to know what you think and encourage you to give me feedback or attend one of the drop in sessions