Senior classes will run up to 3.15 on Thursday 27th April and it is vital that pupils use every minute to get as much preparation as possible up to that point. Subjects will be offering additional study, revision and coursework sessions from Wednesday 3rd May and throughout study leave. Pupils should take full advantage of this additional support, we know from experience that it makes a massive difference.
During exam leave seniors who are in school either for an exam or for an additional session must wear school uniform. Expectations during exams have been clearly explained at assemblies and in documentation. We do all we can to prepare seniors well for their exams and to keep things calm during this important and stressful period. We are indebted to our team of invigilators who ensure all of the arrangements are in place and we ask you to show them the utmost respect during the exam period.
Formal classes will cease on Thursday 27th April and we have emphasised to all seniors the following:
• the need to maintain a strong work ethic until the final assessment is completed. For some this will be your final exam, for others it will be completing a final piece of coursework or unit re-assessment.
• if pupils lose their focus it may result in them not being able to complete courses and/or needing to reconsider their future plans
• up to and during study leave there is a lot going on in the school, indeed on Thursday 27th April we have over 100 P7s visiting the school and an employer running a work focussed competition involving a number of schools, visitors and the press
• it is a very stressful time for everyone in the school and it is important that we all work together to keep everyone calm and to keep a very clear focus on the work required.
I do not wish to be falling out with our senior pupils in the lead up to the exam period or during the exams. Similarly I do not wish to be contacting parents with news of misbehaviour, damage or, as has been the case in the last few years, investigations into cheating in SQA coursework/exams.
We do have the opportunity to come together after the exams for two different events to celebrate the achievements of our seniors. One is more informal and seeks to recognise a range of wider achievements. It is planned for 3.30-4.30 on Wednesday 7th June and people who have succeeded in a range of team, wider school achievements and out of school achievements will be invited to attend along with their families. There will be an informal reception, a brief set of presentations and a chance to recognise the successful teams and individuals. The second event, our formal prize
giving will take place on the evening of Thursday 8th June 7.00-9.30 . All those who are leaving school and all our academic prize winners will be invited to this event along with up to two guests. Further details and invitations to each of these events will go out early in May.
For seniors returning to school after the exams classes will start again on Tuesday 30th May. This will give staff and pupils 5 productive weeks of work prior to the summer holidays. College, city campus and consortia classes will start on Monday 5th June. We have invested a lot of time supporting pupils to make considered course choices and will not consider changes to timetables in this initial period other than in very exceptional circumstances.
SQA results will be issued by post on Tuesday 8th August and staff will look at suitability of subject choices in the light of exam results. There is a well established process to follow should the results mean there is a need to change course choices and this will be explained to pupils and parents before the summer holidays. It is important that pupils and parents recognise that the decision on whether to remain at school or move on requires to be a positive one. Those who chose to return to school will be expected to wear their uniform (blazer and tie), arrive on time and set the highest standards in their work and behaviour.
I wish everyone sitting exams every success and trust the eventual results reflect the efforts you have put into courses over the years.