Question: How does a clothes appeal relate to Child Rights? Answer: article 22 (refugee children) states that if a child is a refugee or seeking refuge, governments must ensure that they have the same rights as any other child. Governments must help in trying to reunite child refugees with their parents. Where this is not possible, […]
Monthly Archives: September 2016
Spring Concert
Question: How does a concert relate to Child rights? Answer: article 15 (freedom of association) states that every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights. Answer: article 31 (leisure, play and culture) states that every […]
Groupcall Xpressions App
View your child’s information on your mobile phone! An exciting new service is now available for parents to ensure communication between the school and yourselves is easier and more effective. Groupcall Xpressions is created by the award-winning school communication company Groupcall Limited.The app is completely free of charge to you and can be installed on […]
29th August – 2nd September: Prefects and child rights
The picture above shows Tyler, Skye and Astrid our 3 senior prefects. This session, following discussion with a range of people, we felt it was time to move away from a gender based system of Head Boy/Head Girl to one based on merit. Skye is head prefect and Tyler and Astrid are depute head […]