
The picture above shows Tyler, Skye and Astrid our 3 senior prefects.  This session, following discussion with a range of people, we felt it was time to move away from a gender based system of Head Boy/Head Girl to one based on merit.  Skye is head prefect and Tyler and Astrid are depute head prefects.  They work closely with the 5 House Captains to form an 8 person ‘pupil senate’ who we have asked to lead and develop pupil participation in the school.

Each House captain work with a group of form class captains in what we are calling ‘house of representatives’ meetings.  Each form class captain will involve their classmates and try to ensure that all pupils feel part of their school – a pupil forum.

It is a whole new system and is driven by a strong belief that if pupils feel involved and empowered they will show a greater commitment to their school and their work.   It should also mean that pupils have a way to influence school improvements and there are systems to communicate more effectively with all pupils.

Increasing participation and improving communication are also ways in which we can ensure we help realise two areas set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child:

  • Article 12 Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously
  • Article 15 Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.

For more information on UNCRC click on the summary below.

RRSA-ROC-logo[1]     Child_friendly_CRC_summary_final


Later this month we are being assessed at level 1 of the UNICEF accredited Rights Respecting Schools Award (Ferryhill Primary gained this award last session).  I am keen that parents, pupils and others take time to think about the rights of all children and what we can do to ensure our children recognise and realise their rights.