At the end of the week applications went live for a number of key pupil leadership opportunities;

The links above takes you to the application for these opportunities and applications are due to be returned this week.  The forms show what the roles involve and how the roles will be filled.  I cannot emphasise the importance of these roles enough.  This year I gave the pupils a budget of £3000 and they combining this with funds the parents have to improve our playgrounds – a priority identified by pupils.  The pupil reps have done work to evaluate the work being done in the school and to highlight improvement priorities for the next 3 years.  They are also leading work to bring about these improvements.

All of this is linked to a broader idea of an ’empowered system’ one in which staff, pupils and parents of a school are more involved in shaping the priorities and taking these forward for themselves.  I hope parents will encourage their youngsters to apply for the positions and take up opportunities to shape and lead school improvement.