On any given week there is a fair bit going on in Harlaw Academy. The blog this week lists 10 of the varied activities taking place over the last 5 days in the school:
- a group of our pupils went to Bridge of don Academy as part of a young inspector project
- most of our Seniors went to safe drive stay alive a hard hitting presentation aimed at reducing fatal accidents on NE roads
- pupils from our 4 Primaries visited us for a really successful Health and Well Being morning
- seniors pupils trained to use the careers web based resource ‘my world of work’ visited two of our Primary schools to show it to P7 pupils
- S2 girls played well in a multi team netball event held at AGS
- We had 3 pupils taking part in the Scottish schools swimming trials
- we had some groups, including our girls coding club, taking part in VEXRobotics the first schools robotics competition which was held at RGC
- Evening Express carried a report on the extensive volunteering taking place in Harlaw Acadeny
- Our model UN group took part in a debate with other schools this time in St Margarets School
- The Parent Council met on Thursday evening with presentations on; pupil support from Mr Mitchell and pupil poverty from Mrs Kermath. Mrs Lawrence and Mr Blance also made contributions in the Parent Council meeting itself.
It is a very varied and impressive list which shows great commitment on the part of the pupils who take part and parents who support the activities. It also reflects a huge commitment on the part of staff who offer in these opportunities to pupils and parents.
Footnote: In my last blog I mentioned that I was thinking about retaining the shortened lunchtime but shifting it so we could have a 3.15 finish. It now looks likely that the work on replacing the windows will be complete fairly soon and at that point we will be able to revert to the normal school day with the 1 hour lunch. That being the case we will stick with the current arrangement until the work is finished. I will contact parents by groupcall when we revert to the normal school day.