In recent years we have given S1 and S2 pupils the opportunity to take part in an activity week in late May.  We have seen a steady decline in participation over recent years and alongside this there have been increased costs for venues and transport.  As a result we have decided not to go ahead with the activity week this year.  We will instead look to provide a set of activities during the course of the school session.  These activities will relate more closely to the school curriculum and be incorporated into the work of the school in a way to keep costs down as much as possible.

The first two of these activities will take place before summer.  They are a forest walk in May and a sports day in June.  Letters have gone out about the forest walk and we hope to see almost all S1 and S2 pupils taking part.  If anyone has any doubts about participating please contact the guidance teacher or year head.  We can help if folk do not have the correct footwear or clothing to go a walk with their classmates in the forest beside Banchory.  We have tried to keep the costs of the bus down but again if cash is a problem let us know and we can help.  We want it to be a good day, one that everyone takes part in.

The second event is the school sports day in June.  Again this is a great chance for pupils to spend the day taking part or cheering on their classmates and supporting their house.  We want to see people participating and making it a positive day for their school.  Once again, if people need help with PE kit etc let us know – we are here to help and to make it an easy event to take part in and one which we can all enjoy.

If these two events go well we shall be in contact again with details of others after the summer.  If we do not get the support of parents and pupils we may simply stop these wider opportunities.  We would prefer that our school provided some ‘special’ moments where youngsters can do something they might never get the chance to do again.  We hope you appreciate why we have had to review what we can offer but will support the two events running this side of summer