Last weekend I went in to see La La Land – a movie which is set to break all records at the BAFTAS and Oscars. I thoroughly enjoyed the film but I am less of a fan of the whole superstar/celebrity adulation thing.
For those of you who follow the school ‘twitter’ account you will be familiar with #starsofourown. It is something I add to items about amazing things our youngsters do out in their community. It is intended to make a point to our youngsters that they do not need to look elsewhere for their celebrities or superstars. So, as we approach the awards season, this blog is dedicated to our own stars at Harlaw Academy – youngsters who are shining brightly in their school and making a difference in their communities – youngsters including;
- Our SfL football team (who won their local heats and qualified for the NE finals)
- Our Tea Kwon Do champion (who has won local, national and international awards)
- Our Duke of Edinburgh participants and volunteers (who picked up awards at an event this week)
- Our intergenerational group (who have been spending time visiting care homes to help older folk with ICT)
The delight in the pictures below tell the story better than my words can – you are all #starsofourown