Last week I took time to talk about #secureyourfuture a really important event taking place at the school next week. Pupils were given an information sheet home but just in case it fails to make it out of the bag I attach an electronic copy here for you –
A second big event happening next week is a visit by UNICEF UK assessors to see if we meet the standard for level 1 of their Rights Respecting Schools Award. We have been doing a lot of work to help recognise and realise children’s rights and it has been a recurring theme in my blogs and newsletters. Early next week we will issue a newsletter about the UN Convention on the rights of the Child (UNCRC) and Rights Respecting Schools but I attach a preview here for your reference –
There has been a fair bit of research done around schools which promote rights and I attach a link to a recent article which emphasise the impact it can have on both behaviour and attainment –
I also attach a poster which sets out the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in child friendly language – Child_friendly_CRC_summary_final
I would encourage all children and families to discuss rights issues at home and amongst each other. When we think of examples of violations of children’s rights we often think of children in conflict zones, refugees or children suffering from malnutrition/disease. We also hear of issues such as forced marriage, genital mutilation, trafficking and exploitation – some of which happens further afield but which has happened in Scotland. If we are to protect all children we need children to know their rights and we need adults to respect these rights. Even closer to home/school are issues such as bullying, humiliation, intimidation and disruption of learning. These are everyday examples where some children are being denied their rights by other children. By promoting UNCRC and working towards level 1 and level 2 of the Rights Respecting Schools Award we hope to help more youngsters to recognise and realise their rights.
This week also marked one year since the Global Goals were set. The global goals set ambitious targets in respect of 17 areas. 192 countries have signed up to achieve these goals by 2030. As we develop as a Rights Respecting School I am keen that youngsters campaign around these Global Goals. Youngsters in S1 will be in their mid 20s in 2030 and as well as participating in improving their school and their local community I would like them to have played an active part in creating a cleaner, safer, fairer and better educated world. For more information on the Global goals go to –