At the senior phase information evening I indicated we would try to help parents access the links to the main things they need to access when helping their children make choices in the senior school. With this in mind this blog is very short and gives the links you need. In addition, I shall “tweet” and “group call” a link to this blog so parents can find it easily and on any device. I hope all of this is of help to parents, families and young people.
- Our presentation from the evening can be found here: Senior Course Choice Info Evening January 2019 There are useful links towards the end of the presentation which are active and will take you to even more information.
- On the evening we made reference to progression diagrams and these can be found here: Progression Pathway Diagrams 2019 2020
- The course choice booklet is on our website but is also shown here: Senior Course Choice booklet 2019-2020
- and the course choice form is here: Senior course choice form 2019-2020
- Skill Development Scotland (SDS) have prepared a helpful sheet which can be found here: Information from Skills Development Scotland
I also want to signpost parents to a very helpful series of resources written by parents and for parents. This series known as “in a nutshell” cover a range of things; from course outlines to career options, to apprenticeships, additional support and almost anything else have been developed by the National Parent Forum of Scotland and can be accessed via this link –