TextHelp in Aberdeen City

Parents & Carers Information Evening


Date: Monday 11th June 2018

Time: 7:15pm – 8:30pm

Venue: Aberdeen Grammar School, Lecture Theatre



Why should I attend?

Every Aberdeen City School now has access to TextHelp’s Read&Write software, available on every device – Windows PCs, Macs, Google, iPad and Android tablets, and what’s more – Everyone can access it at home too! Come along to hear more about the software and how it can be used to support all learners.


What is Read&Write software?

Used daily by millions of students worldwide, Read&Write is an award-winning literacy toolbar that helps each member of the class realise their full potential. Supporting all stages from Primary 1 to S6, there are features to benefit everyone!



  • Word prediction and dictionary tools to support every stage of learning
  • Text-to-speech and voice recognition – Why type when you can use your voice?!
  • Fact finding and research tools to support emerging story writers as well as senior students completing assignments
  • Mp3 audio maker – Download your notes and listen on-the-go
  • And lots more! Find out more information at texthelp.com


“Helping every student understand, learn and express themselves with confidence.”


Want to find out more? Everyone welcome!

Email tasscc@aberdeencity.gov.uk to let us know if you are coming along on June 11th

Look forward to seeing you there!