Last week I published the second of 3 blogs looking at the day to day work of Harlaw Academy which is based around 3 simple behaviour statements:
– Respect for People
– Respect for Learning
– Respect for Community
This week my blog will look in more depth at “respect for community’
Under the statement respect for people we have a line which reads:
– we will have a positive impact in school, locally and in the wider world
These are ideas which apply to all our pupils, parents and staff and in simple terms it includes the following behaviours:
For Pupils it is acting in a way which thinks about having a positive impact:
– in school – looking out for others, accepting our school has a diverse population, being tolerant to people of different; age, gender, religion, race, sexual orientation or who exhibit any of the other protected characteristics, appreciating the role adults (parents, teachers, non teachers) have to support you, keeping the school safe and free from litter/damage, enhancing the reputation of your school and of young people
– locally – looking out for others, accepting our part of Aberdeen has a diverse population, being tolerant to people of different; age, gender, religion, race, sexual orientation or who exhibit any of the other protected characteristics, appreciating the role adults in the area have to support you, keeping the local area safe and free from litter/damage, enhancing the reputation of your school and of young people
– wider world – looking out for others, accepting diversity and being tolerant to people of different; age, gender, religion, race, sexual orientation or who exhibit any of the other protected characteristics, appreciating the role adults have to support you, considering sustainability in all you do, enhancing the reputation of your school and of young people
For Parents and teachers it is thinking about:
– helping our youngsters to recognise what it means to be an effective contributor and responsible citizen. to play an active part in their school, locality and wider world. To take a keen interest in local and global issues. To be tolerant of others, celebrate diversity and be accepting of others. To challenge discrimination (particularly by or towards young people) against individuals/groups.
As I write this blog the world seems to be heading towards more troubled and more troubling times. Our leaders seem to be more intolerant and the language they are using seems to be more divisive and intolerant. In such situations the ones who often bear the biggest brunt is children and young people. Recognising this the United Nations developed a Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Harlaw Academy is very proud to be the first (and so far the only) Secondary School in Aberdeen City to gain the Rights Respecting Schools Award from UNICEF UK. This award highlights work we have been doing to promote the rights of children here at Harlaw and around the world.
Respect our Community is about young people feeling they are a valued part of their community able to make a valuable contribution to their community. The vast majority of our 940 young people are a great credit to themselves, their families, school and to young people in general. A small number let the others down through their behaviour in the school, in their community and towards the wider world. We will all continue to work on this small number in a constructive way whilst recognising the efforts of the vast majority of our young people.